10 Tips To Be The Ultimate Pokemon Go Trainer

I know i know you are probably thinking that you clicked on the wrong website. "Shawn WTH this is a fitness blog! What is this Pokemon crap!" Well if thats you then please just stop reading then because I'm sorry but Pokemon is awesome! Today guys we are bringing out our inner nerds and going into the world of Pokemon! Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm so today I thought i would provide you with 10 tips to make you the best trainer as possible in Pokemon Go! Lets Catch Em All!

This Game Is So Freaking Neat

Ever since i was young i have been a fan of Pokemon, I grew up playing the original game boys games and watching all of the tv series and i even had a Pikachu costume that i had for halloween one year! I was the ultimate Pokemon fan and i still am! When i heard last year about a new Pokemon game was coming to Mobile i set my calendar for the release date and awaited the arrival. The night it came out i was downloading it and starting on my Pokemon Journey to once again become the best trainer. If i could go back and tell my younger self that in 15 years i would be hunting Pokemon in the real world i would have called myself crazy! This is seriously a dream come true for all us Pokemon fans!


The Social Aspect of This Game Is Incredible!

The first weekend this game came out me and my sister went out at 9pm and we never could have expected the night we were in for. We went out to a local park hoping to catch some Pokemon and maybe run into a few other fans of the game..... Boy was this surprising. We pulled into the park and as we were walking in i saw so many people playing this game! It was incredible and i could not believe how many people were spending there Saturday night trying to catch em all and build their team. I decided i would be nice and put out a Lure Module (attracts more Pokémon and as we soon found out PLAYERS to your location) within 5 minutes i noticed tons of cars pulling in. I thought something was going down like some gang fight or something. Me and Taylor watched the people getting out of their cars not sure what was happening and then i noticed these were all Pokemon players!!!!! My mind was blown and i could not believe what i was seeing. That night we encountered the outreach this game has created. We did not get home till 1am that night. During our night we had met up with old friends and walked the streets and rivers of my hometown all trying to catch the same creatures that made our childhood times so fun. That night was incredible. During that whole night there was no negativity at all between anyone we encountered. It was amazing to see people treating others nice again! We live in a society these days where everyone seems to be against one another and this game has brought so many people back together! Nice Job Niantic!


Now Lets Get Into This

So that was my amazing experience with Pokemon Go, It truly was and still is incredible. Now lets get into the meat of this! Lets get you leveled up and lets get you the best info as possible to become the best trainer you can be so you can be the best like no one ever was :D


1. Catch Everything You Can!

Seriously! Everything! Every little boring Weedle or Pidgey or Rattata don't let any get away. I could not believe how many people i heard say "oh its just a Weedle forget about that and wait for something bigger and better." This is the wrong thing to be doing especially in the beginning stages. You want to catch everything you can so you can evolve more things and get XP faster because the faster you can build up your XP the faster you can level up and when you get into a higher level you will see more interesting Pokemon more often. So thats why you need to get all those pesky little Weedles and Pidgeys.


2. Save That Star Dust

Star Dust in Pokemon Go is used to power up your Pokemon to a stronger CP level and in the beginning you might be tempted if you catch a more uncommon Pokemon to level it up in hopes that you can build your team faster but this is a waste. Star dust is like gold and should be used only on Pokemon that your planning on keeping and only on the final Evolution of a Pokemon. No you will not have a higher level Pokemon if you power it up before evolving so just wait till you have a final evolution to power it up. Another thing too is don't use your star dust on every fully evolved Pokemon. Only use it on Pokemon that your planning on using in battles and Pokemon that will be staying on your team. You will find that you will be transferring tons of Pokemon to the professor in exchange for candy for more evolutions and you don't want to power up a Pokemon with precious star dust only the next week to catch a stronger level of that Pokemon to transfer your first Pokemon into candy. A few other tips

- hatching eggs, leaving Pokemon in gyms and catching Pokemon will build your star dust up

- once you catch a more uncommon Pokemon even if it is in its full evolution state don't just jump to conclusions and power up that Beedrill you caught in the wild as you probably will catch a stronger one the next week so don't waste that star dust, As you level up you will automatically start encountering higher level pokemon.

- Pay attention to attacks and the max possible CP that individual Pokemon can get up to and only use Star dust on the ones with the best attacks and the best chance of getting to a higher level, use this site to figure out the max CP of any Pokemon in the game.



3. Get To The Park, Walmart and Creep Those Subdivisions ;p

The best way to start the game is figure out the best spots in your area that have the best and most populated areas for Pokemon and those areas will likely be your local parks, Your near by Walmart, and subdivisions. If a lure module is up then obviously you will want to go there first but when there is no lure out the next best thing is use some incense and walk around a park, Walmart, or creep you subdivisions. Ok I'm kidding on creep your subdivisions. Don't do that because you will get the cops called on you for being a "suspicious person" LOL. As i will further discuss later on you will want to figure out the most populated areas around you to level up the quickest way possible. Also find your local Pokestops and hit them as much as possible to stock up on items and 50 XP as well for each stop.


4. Catch During The Week, Evolve On The Weekends

This is a tip i found for those of us that play during our lunch hours and free time during the week you will find that going through and evolving takes quite a bit of time and sometimes if you have lots to go through it can take up 30 or more minutes and during the week i know we are pressed for time so i came up with an idea that gets you levling up each week. My method is during the week just focus on catching as much as possible from Mon-Friday just go out catching and meeting other players. By the time the weekend comes you will have a ton of Pokemon to go through. On Saturday then or Sunday when you can sit down and relax get your phone and sort the Pokemon (in the right lower hand corner) by name. This will group all the same Pokemon together. Once all the similar Pokemon are together then go into your items and activate a lucky egg. The Lucky egg will give you double XP for anything in the game for 30 minutes so this is the time to evolve things. Once the egg is activated then start going through one by one and evolving Pokemon in order from the strongest first. Then once you run out of candies start transferring that specific Pokemon (the weaker ones) again till you can evolve more. Go through and do this for the next 30 min then notice how you will level up fast! Once the lucky egg is done then you can go through and add star dust to some of the Pokemon that you know you will be holding onto and also final evolutions. Using this method can easily make you advance several stages at once and the XP just racks up quick and you will be on your way to becoming a stronger and more experienced trainer. Don't waste candy on second evolutions. Keep evolving those pidgeys and weedles. I know its tempting to evolve a piggeoto into a piggeot but don't. It only takes 12 candies to evolve a pidgey or weedle instead of the 50 it takes for a kacuna or piggeotto.


5. Choose Your Eevee Evolution

If you were a fan of Pokemon back in the day then you will know that Eevee is one of the coolest Pokemon because he has 3 different evolutions (in the first generation of Pokemon anyway);

- Fire Type - Flareon

- Water Type - Vaporeon

- Electric Type - Jolteon


You probably know that in the original Pokemon games that you needed a fire stone for a fire evolution, a water stone for a water evolution, and a thunderstone for an electric evolution. Well in Pokemon go when you evolve Eevee the evolution is random unless you use this trick. Niantic put a little easter egg in the game allowing players to choose their Eevee evolution by either naming it Pyro, Sparky, or Rainer (from the TV show) in the name block. So for example use this key for your evolution choice.

- Pyro = Flareon

- Sparky = Jolteon

- Rainer = Vaporeon 

By knowing this you can then build your team of variations of Eevee and collect each of the rare evolutions.


6. Build Your Team and XP Before Competing In Gyms

Your going to notice that a lot of the gyms are stacked with Pokemon in the 1,000 or more CP levels and that can be really intimidating. Don’t worry about it. Take your time, level up and build your team before you start claiming and taking over gyms. If you start taking gyms too early on in the game then your just going to get booted out of the gyms as fast as you get in them so just stay patient and when your around level 12-15 and you have some Pokemon that are at least in the 800’s to 1,000 then you can start getting in on some gyms and claiming some territory,

Another tip i want to add is build a team with a variety of different types of Pokemon so your gym battles will be even stronger, for example you should acquire a strong Pokemon for each type.

- Fire

- Water

- Electric

- Rock

- Plant

- Bug

- Ghost

- Psychic

- Fighting


By having a variety of types you can enter a battle with the proper Pokemon needed to take a gym here is a quick guide

Fire beats plant

Water beats Fire

Electric beats water

Plant beats water

Ghost Beats psychic

Rock Beats fire

Water beats rock

Fire beats electric

Fairy beats Ghost

There are some more scenarios that can happen but that should get you started


7. Use The Ingress Maps To Scout An Area Before You Go Out

So for those of you that don’t know the makers of Ingress also made Pokemon Go and they ported over the same maps from Ingress to Pokemon Go so if you use an Ingress map you can look on there for the most populated areas of “portals (thats what ingress called them) and those ”portals” actually translate to Pokestops and high concentrations of Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Just sign up for a free Ingress account and then you can use the map to look at before you leave the house to go capture some Pokemon. Ingress is a great way to scout out locations so that you don't just end up in a field with nothing in the nearby (yes that happened to me.)


8. Discard Items

You will notice that after a while when you start hitting a Pokestop that a message will come up saying that “Your bag is full” when this happens you have a couple choices. A - Buy more storage, or B - Throw away items. Now if your like me your trying very hard not to spend money when you don’t have too so throwing away items is the best thing to do. Take some of those potions / revives that you always seem to get anyway and discard like 20-30 of those as you simply don’t need that many potions that early on in the game when your not even competing very often, save the item space for Pokeballs, greatballs, incense and things like that.


9. Save Your Coins For Egg Incubators and Incense

If there is one thing you should save your coins for it is incense and egg incubators. Those are the best bang for the buck items that can assist you. Incense will allow you to attract more Pokemon and Egg incubators will allow you to hatch more eggs as we will be talking about next.


10. ABH - "Always Be Hatching"

Always and i mean always be incubating eggs. Hatching eggs is one of the best ways in the game to get XP, Star Dust, Candies, and above all - ALLOW YOU TO COMPLETE YOUR POKEDEX. Hatching eggs allows you to acquire Pokemon that you usually don’t find in the wild (for the most part) another thing too with hatching Pokemon from eggs is it usually is a stronger version of a Pokemon that you would find in the wild, for example, i caught a 250 Oddish in the wild and that same day i hatched an egg with an oddish that had 501 CP! when i evolve that Oddish it will be around a 900 Gloom! This is why you always need to be hatching eggs. Always have something in your incubators and save up coins for more incubators because that will allow you to aquire more variety of Pokemon not usaully found in your area and stronger versions of them along with the XP and stardust you get from them as well! One other tip for hatching eggs i want to give you is that walking in a straight line works the best. Also i found Bicycling is the best way to hatch eggs as its the fastest, yea thats the only cardio advice you will ever get from me LOL


Lets Sum this up and get on our Poke-Journey!

- Catch everything

- Save Star Dust for final Evolutions and Strongest Pokemon

- Your local park, Walmart, and subdivisions are the best places to start your hunt

- Focus on catching during the week then run a lucky egg and evolve on the weekends

- Choose your Eevee evolution to allow you to acquire 3 of the rare Pokemon

- Focus on building your team before joining and competing in gyms

- Use the Ingress game map to determine good locations to go to

- Discard some potions and revives to make room for more needed items

- Save your coins for egg incubators and incense

- Always Be Hatching and Incubating eggs

- Above all have fun and get out and meet fellow trainers!

There You Have It

Alright guys thats going to wrap this one up. Hopefully these tips can help you acquire a better trainer status and have more fun playing this awesome game! I want to hear in the comments; what tips you guys have and also comment your strongest Pokemon! I hope you enjoyed this different type of blog this week and if you got something out of it i would really appreciate you clicking those share buttons below. Thanks guys! Till next week...


Stay, Catching Em All

Shawn Fausey

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  • Shawn Fausey is the Founder and CEO of Fausey's Fitness. With Over 6 years experience in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Nutrition. Shawn offers services of online fitness coaching, programing and consulting. Shawn is also a Graphic Designer and can be reached for graphic services on www.rev-graphics.com
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