Fausey Friday Recap Volume 1

So something new I'm trying with this blog is to be more open and allow you guys more into my complete life instead of just Fitness so i have decided every Friday or Saturday depending when i get the blog up to do a Friday recap of 10 topics for the week, these topics will include

1. What Im Currently Reading

2. What Im Currently Watching

3. What Im Currently Playing

4. What Im Excited For

5. Something I Learned

6. Brief Description of My Best Training Day of The Week

7. Quote or Bible Verse Im Currently Pondering

8. Music I'm Listening Too

9. Life Tip For The Week

10. Bonus Content If I Have Any

This will be a brief but pretty interesting little bit every week. Hope you guys enjoy it.

What I'm Currently Reading

Currently I'm reading "Brother Iron Sister Steel" by Famous Bodybuilder Dave Draper. This book has tons of advice on how to go about bodybuilding and includes tons of routines to train from or mix up your training. Something i really like also about this book is the fact Dave includes tons of stories from his past in the golden ages of bodybuilding and they are just epic. Read this for some instant gym motivation! Im only a quarter of the way through but i recommend picking it up if you have $6 to spare for a digital version.

Get The Book Here

What I'm Currently Watching

Last weekend i binged which i usually never do, the new Defenders series on Netflix and i'm giving it a 8/10. I really enjoyed it. The first 2 episodes start a little slow but after that it picks up and does not stop till you get to the end. The finally was not what i expected either so that was also a good thing. It's only 8 episodes long and it makes everyone of them count. I really enjoyed seeing all these characters come together on screen.


Also i just watched the New Baywatch movie which i was not even going to even check out but I'm glad i decided too. When i started it i said i would give it 15 min and if nothing then turn it off. So after 15 minutes i was actually laughing my ass off and proceeded to watch the whole thing. The Rock plays a great role and the comedy really is great. gonna give it a 7/10 which is quite higher than IMDB's rating of a 5.7/10. If you have nothing else you want to watch and want some good laughs then i recommend checking it out.

What I'm Currently Playing

This week i actually didn't play any games so instead I'm going to say a game I'm looking forward too checking out. The new Assassins Creed comes out in October and i think thats going to be the next game i go through. I have been play the Witcher 3 for almost a whole year now and beat that one full time and i'm still currently playing through on New Game+ mode. Assassins Creed will be a good change up i think. I'm going to wait to pick it up till IGN reviews it though.

What I'm Excited For

hmm well i don't have anything specific this week so gonna skip this one for this week. I'm sure there is something i just can't think of it ha ha.

Something New I Learned

Don't look at the sun..... JUST KIDDING LOL. This week we had a solar eclipse and it took over the internet by storm. My news feed was filled with just a bunch of eclipse hype and it's honestly shocking how hyped up this was. The thing that i just don't understand is that on any regular day your not going to look at the sun so why on earth would you stare at it when there is an eclipse without eye protection LOL. Seriously it blew my mind. This was the first Solar Eclipse i have ever seen and it was a pretty spectacular thing to witness. The thing i learned tho this week is that you can believe it or not but the Solar Eclipse can no doubt effect energy levels. The days leading up to the eclipse i felt just slow and not focused at all in life for anything i was doing. Also my training sucked in the days leading up as well as my sleep which is never that good to begin with. I decided to do some research on this and what i found was pretty interesting. I found that apparently a solar eclipse can affect animals in a very strange way so i thought about it and we as humans are animals so i think it can affect us as well. More reading on this needs to be done but what i did read was pretty interesting and talked about how the eclipse actually changes the natural energy levels around us all over the world. Here is the article if you want to read it.

Best Training Day This Week

This week my Monday Upper routine was the best training session of the week. Last week was a brutal training week and by the weekend i was destroyed so i decided to up my calories to about 3,000 for both Saturday and Sunday (rest day) and by Monday i felt completely refreshed. Totally killed this routine. It just goes to show when you have a crappy week of training just eat some more calories on the weekend and refresh yourself ;) Also this was my second week with the 5/3/1 progression for bench and while i do like the programing its weird how light the weights are right now, gonna stick with it tho and see if it helps me finally improve my bench. 


- Bench 3x3 70%/80%/90% (plus set)
120lbs, 135lbs, 150lbs 
120x3 135x3 150x3 Rpe 10
- Wide Grip Pull Downs 3x6-8 x10 x8x8
Superset 3x6-10
- Flat DB Press 55x8x8x8
- Close Cable Rows x10 x10 x9
Superset 3x6-10
- Side Laterals 25x10x10x10
- DB Pull Over 50x10 55x9x9
Superset 3x10-12
- DB Shrugs 65x14 85x8x8
- Face Pulls x14 x10x10
Superset 3x8-10
- Alt. DB Hammer Curls 40x10 45x8x8
- One arm overhead db ext. 25x10 25x8x8
BFR - DB Curls & Rope Push Downs

Quote or Bible Verse I'm Currently Pondering

This week I happened to come across this bible verse and it really made me think. Sometimes being a gym rat all the time we think about making ourselves more fit or more ripped in reality we should be spending just as much time training for God by being a good Christian.

What I'm Currently Listening To

I listen to a lot of podcasts every week and this week i want to highlight Mark Bell's Powercast. I listen to his podcast every week but this last week Episode #214 with Kevin Ogar will really hit you hard.. Keven Ogar was a cross fit athlete and a few years back in a competition messed up one of his lifts and ended up paralyzed from the waste down. This podcast will make you very grateful for everything you have. Listen to this when you need a wake up call on how good your life really is.

Life Tip For The Week

Control the things you can and don't worry about the things you can't.

Bonus Content

This week i have been playing a lot of Pokemon Go and having a lot of fun with it so this week is gonna be about how you can expand you pokedex without having to constantly travel to new areas. The answer lies in Hatching eggs! Always have your incubators going and anytime you go for a distant walk during the day pull the app up, trust me it adds up. Also another tip is keep as many pokemon in gyms as you can because if you always have at least some Pokemon in a gym that will keep the coins coming in so you can buy more incubators. Alright guys thats it for this week, Have a good weekend!

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  • Shawn Fausey is the Founder and CEO of Fausey's Fitness. With Over 6 years experience in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Nutrition. Shawn offers services of online fitness coaching, programing and consulting. Shawn is also a Graphic Designer and can be reached for graphic services on www.rev-graphics.com
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