If you remember a while back i wrote a blog called "No More Carbon Pre Workout - Now What?" In that blog i discussed my future plan for pre and post workout nutrition since Layne Norton's Carbon Line was discontinued. In that blog i provided an alternative and while i still think thats a fine alternative i have recently discovered probably the best pre workout (other than the Carbon line of course). Best of all this option I'm going to provide will save you about $30 every month!

The Pre-workout That Out Doses Them All

Transparent labs Stim-free literally has everything you would ever need in a pre workout. Check out this label!

They Have Other Options As Well

Transparent Labs has 3 pre-workout choices, Stim-free what i like, Bulk and lean. Bulk and lean both contain caffeine but i like to add my own caffeine from a Monster Energy so thats why i like the stim-free version.

The Review

Pump (8/10)

The pump with this is pretty solid, something i do to help make the pump even better is throw in a gram of L-Carnitine as that will help with N.O. production and help have even a better pump.

Energy (10/10)

The 4 grams! of beta-alanine will keep you going through the hardest of your training sessions. Last week i had to combine my heavy upper and heavy lower day and i was able to blast through it and did not tank at all in the 2.5 hour session. beta-alanine for some people makes their skin tingle but for me i did not notice any tingling which was a pro for me. Another thing that helps make the energy stable in this is the perfect 4 gram dose of BCAA's. 4 grams is just the right amount for an energy and strength boost.


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Strength (10/10)

6 grams of Citrulline Malate make this a beast for power output and strength production. In the last few weeks i have been using this i have been hitting new personal bests in strength left and right. If you wanted you could even add 2 more grams of Citrullline Malate into it to make it even more powerful but honestly i think 6 grams is plenty. Another pro is the Creatine HCL. I myself like monohydrate as i think it has a better strength output and a lot more studies on it but why i like HCL is for the fact it digests well and does not give any digestive issues that monohydrate sometimes causes. This has 3 grams of Creatine HCL which is equivalent to 5 grams of monohydrate so this will take care of your creatine for the day as well. One more ingredient that makes this a strength power house is the 2.5 grams of betaine. betaine in several studies has been shown to reduce fatigue when taken before a training session.

Endurance (10/10)

Like i said above the 4 grams of beta-alanine in this make it so you don't have to rest as long between sets and you can power through your session like a tank. Studies show that 3-4 grams of beta-alanine can allow better endurance is training when sets are taking place in the 8-15 rep range which is otherwise known as the hypertrophy rep range so it just makes sense to take in some beta-alanine. I noticed the beta alanine especially when i was working up to my working weight for the day. My warm up sets went smoother and i really did not have to rest at all before getting to my working weight for the day.

Focus (9/10)

The Mucuna Pruriens in this (98% L-Dopa) makes the focus in this pretty damn solid. I do miss the Huperzine A that was in Carbon but this does a pretty job of making up for the loss of Huperzine A. I found myself able to stay focused through even a 2+ hour session in the gym.

Mix-ability (9/10)

This mixes extremely well with no residue. The one reason i took a point off is because it has a lot of fiz when shaken but thats not a big deal.

Taste (Strawberry Lemonade) (9/10)

So transparent labs uses only stevia to sweeten there products so this is going to have a very natural taste to it but for me i think the strawberry lemonade is awesome! It pretty much just tastes like lemonade but still who does not love lemonade!

Cost (7/10)

Ok heres the thing. This product is expensive.... Its $60 for 30 servings which is a lot but hear me out. If you follow any of my training programs that i have written (like in SHDUPA) you know that i only train 5 days a week and i take every 4th week as a de-load this breaks it down that i only train hard 15 days a month. 15 servings last for me one block of training which is a month. So In turn i only have to buy this every 2 months which is only $30 a month then! Not so bad right! On a de-load week you can do like i do and just take some BCAA's, and a monster and go train, as a de-load you don't need to be pushing hard. When you break it down like that this product is extremely affordable!

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that this product is legit awesome. For those thinking you can make this cheaper by buying everything in bulk and making your own let me save you some time because i tried that as well and i ended up with spending $40 more every month and also having too pre mix everything myself which sucked big time! Save yourself time and money and just fork over the $60 every 2 months. Trust me its worth it and no i don't get paid a penny for saying any of this.


What You Take Pre-Workout Does Matter

I guarantee you that when you take this product you will

- feel more powerful

- recover faster between sets and workouts

- add more weight to your lifts

- have much more endurance

- and just feel extremely focused and in tune with your training sessions.

I know a pre-workout is not mandatory by any means but it really can help when you have a strong passion for training.

Check It Out

While Carbon Prep and Recover will forever be my 2 favorite products i have ever tried in my life, Transparent labs does a great job and will be my go to pre-workout from now on.

You can get transparent labs products here


Also if you guys have tried Transparent Labs in the past please let me know in the comments below!


If you guys enjoyed this weeks blog let me know and feel free to share on your social media as i greatly would appreciate it. Till next week guys.


Stay Strong,

Shawn Fausey

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  • Shawn Fausey is the Founder and CEO of Fausey's Fitness. With Over 6 years experience in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Nutrition. Shawn offers services of online fitness coaching, programing and consulting. Shawn is also a Graphic Designer and can be reached for graphic services on
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