Muscle Development: The Back

This week we continue the muscle development series with what is probably my favorite muscle to train second to shoulders, which is BACK!


To put it simple if you have a big back you look massive no matter what. Developing that X frame physique all starts with the back.The back should have a high importance in everyones training. The back is one of the largest muscle groups in the body and should be trained a lot during the week because it can handle a ton of volume, a lot more anyway than most people do. As we will discuss today you will see there are lots of approaches to back training. Let just get right into the guide because i have lots to discuss with such a big muscle group!

The Back Consists of Width and Thickness

When we think of back we need to keep two things in mind. You can increase the width of your back and you can increase the thickness. This comes to be important when we start to discuss how to develop a proper structured back routine.

Remember this

- Width of back = Pull Downs and Pull Overs

- Thickness of back = Rows

- Upper back and traps = Shrugs

So in order to have a properly developed back we need those 4 things.

1. a pull down

2. a row

3. a pull over

4. a shrug

Sounds simple right!

It really is as simple as that, now yes we will get more advanced today but these are the basics.

How many exercises for Back?

Just like i discussed above technically speaking we only need about 4 exercises for back but we can get more advanced as well. The thing here is everyones back development program will be different. If you are struggling with back thickness for example you need to program more rows into your routine and if you want more width to the back you need to have more pull downs and pull overs. Is one of your lats more developed than the other? Then make sure every back workout you include one unilateral movement as well - rather it be a row or pull down is your choice.

What About The Deadlift or Rack Pull

At one time in my life i thought u needed deadlifts to build a good back. Once i herniated my L4-L5 Discs tho back in 2015 I had to change my thoughts and how i trained back. I also thought one had to do heavy barbell rows for an impressive back.... Well years later and my back is bigger and thicker than ever and i don't do deadlifts at all anymore and any type of heavy row I support myself by lying on an incline bench.. I use mostly Dumbbells, cables and machines for all my back work now a days and i have built the best back i ever have. So that myth that you need to deadlift is completely false. With that said tho if I could still deadlift i would no doubt do it because the density deadlifts can bring to ones back can not be matched by a cable or machine and i stand by that. I will always be a powerlifter at heart.

Trying to train but have a back injury? This blog may help!

How To Build The Lower Lats

The lower lats are one of the most impressive parts of the back and can really show how well your back is developed while doing a lat spread or even a back double bicep pose. The thing is though the lower lats are usually the most underdeveloped part of the back because most people don't know how to isolate that section of the back. If you are doing any old pull downs then you will never develop the lower lats that you could. So how do you go about building the lower lats then? When trying to isolate the lower lats you need to have a pull down type of exercise in your routine where you keep the elbows out in front of your body through the whole pull down motion and when at peak contraction even doing a little crunch can help isolate that area. Whenever your elbows drift behind you then your upper lats take the load. Keeping your elbows however in front during the whole pull down will load the lower lats. Having a well rounded back can be accomplished by having 2 different types of pull downs in your routine. Have a standard pull down where you utilize the upper lats and then have a separate (usually closer grip) pull down that allows isolation of the lower lats.

How To Do A Proper Cable Pull Down

You would not believe all the bad pull downs i see in my gym. The pull down should be started by gripping the bar with a thumbless grip (Thumb over the bar) then sit down into the locked leg position. Have a slight angle in your back 40-45 degrees (if you going close grip then you can lean back a bit more.) Then take in air and brace the belly, then pull with your scapula first and pull the bar to your upper chest (no need to pull lower!) then as you allow the bar to go back up exhale and brace again before your next rep, keep everything tight even on the negative! You control the weight, the weight does not control you. Rocking a little bit as the weight goes back up is encouraged and can help with the stretch, just don't rock like crazy! I said slight rocking is ok!

How to Do A Proper Cable Row

For cable rows, grab the cable attachment standing then brace your abs before you pull the cable back and sitting on your cable row bench (if your gym has one). Doing it this way is a lot better if you have back or disc issues like i do. Then once you are situated on the bench do not lean way back! keep back at a straight or a slight 40-45 degree angle lean, then keep your elbows tucked (picture someone trying to tickle your arm pits and pull the back back and down to protect your arm pits) then row the weight into your upper abdominals if your doing wide rows and middle abdominals if your using a close grip. When the weight pulls you back in do not do not do not let your lower back round! I see this mistake all the damn time! keep your core tight and allow a stretch of the upper back but do not let the lower back round, this is not a lower back exercise!

How To Do A Proper DB ROW

Through the years i have experienced with many different styles of DB rows. For the longest time i was a fan of the one knee up on a bench but once I did some reading on how the diaphragm is compressed in a position that can welcome a hernia in this style of DB row I decided to experiment with other styles. I then started to utilize what I call the Triangle Stance DB Row. You put an incline bench in front of you, separate your feet wider than shoulder width and support one arm on the bench. The 3 points of contact signify the 3 points of a triangle which gives a very supportive strong structure to row with. Using this style of DB Row allows a greater stretch at the bottom of the motion and protects against a hernia when bracing in the contracted state.

How to Do Proper Cable or DB Pull Over

This one is pretty easy as long as you pull with your lats and not push with your triceps (which i see all the time....) Set the cable and bar or rope attachment at the highest setting available, Then grab the the rope or bar and stand back from the cable rig. Bend over at the hips and let the attachment pull you into a stretched lat position. Then use your lats as you brace the core to initiate the movement and pull the the cable down towards your hips. If your using a rope pull past the hips and pause for a mid second on the outside of the thigh.


If you are doing a DB pull over then you will want to lay down sideways on a bench with your butt hanging off and have your upper back and neck supported on the bench. Allow the db to fall behind your head with only slightly bent arms. Allow the full stretch to happen and then contract your lats to pull the weight back over your head. Allowing the hips to drop when you lower the db behind your head allows for the best stretch.

How to do a proper shrug

The shrug while is very easy to perform many people butcher this simple movement. The traps have two main points to focus on. We have the upper traps (by the neck) and the lower traps (upper mid back) when developed correctly these form a diamond shape muscle on the back on both sides that run up and down the back. Having well developed traps in important for shoulder health and also big traps just look great and can make you look bigger than you actually are. If you're a female i recommend doing at least some trap work for general shoulder health even though you may not want big traps. When we talking about shrugs we have two different types;

- In front of the body shrugs

- Behind the back shrugs

doing shrugs in front of the body utilize the upper traps and doing them behind the back with your head down will utilize the back traps. Doing shrugs in front will increase the size and height of your traps and doing them behind will increase the thickness of the traps. Having both in a program is important. Doing front shrugs one week and then behind the back shrugs the next week is a good way to structure your trap training.

To perform an in front shrug you will look straight ahead and shrug your shoulders directly toward your ears. Pause a brief second and then lower. Do not shrug up and back or do shoulder circles, this will tear up your shoulders and cause shoulder pain in time. Shrug up and down, very simple!

To perform a behind the back shrug you will have a barbell behind you and you will look down. Allow the bar to lower below the butt. Then contract your traps and bring the bar above the butt and hold a brief second before lowering. these can be done with dumbbells as well. The main thing when training the lower traps though is to keep your head down as it will allow a better stretch and contraction with your head out of the way.

What should Back be paired with?

Having a dedicated back day during the week is what I recommend for most but I also pair a row of some type with my power movement on chest day and then a pull down with my power movement on shoulder day to have a bit more back volume in the week.


Some other splits though you could use if you don't want back to have it's own day would be;

- Chest and Back

- Shoulders and Back

- Back and Biceps

- Back and Triceps


With those options you can have an endless amount of variety in your training.

Here are a few workouts utilizing what we discussed up above ENJOY!

Example Back Routine

- One Arm DB Row 3x6 & 3x12

- Cable Pull Down 4x12

- Machine Row 4x12

- Close Grip Cable Pull Down (Lower Lat Isolation) 4x12

- Cable Pull Over 4x12-15

- DB Shrugs 4x12

Example Chest & Back Routine

Superset 3x8-12

- Bench Press

- Wide Cable Pull Downs


Superset 3x8-12

- Incline DB Press

- Close Cable Rows


Superset 3x8-12

- Incline DB Fly

- DB Pull Over


Superset 3x8-12

- Bodyweight Dips for chest

- One Arm Rows

Example Shoulders and Back Routine

Superset 4x8-12

- Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press

- Close Cable Pull Downs


Superset 4x8-12

- Seated Arnold DB Press

- Wide Cable Rows


Superset 3x8-12

- Rope Cable Front Raises

- Rope Cable Pull Overs


Giant Set 3x8-12

- DB Side Laterals

- Rear Delt Cable Fly

- Cable Face Pulls

Example Back and Triceps Routine

Superset 4x8-12

- Reverse Grip DB Press

- Close Grip Cable Row


Superset 4x8-12

- Standing Overhead DB Ext.

- Wide Cable Pull Down


Superset 4x8-12

- Incline DB Skull Crushers

- Cable Pull Over


Single Set 3x8-12

- One Arm Cable Rows


Single Set 3x8-12

- One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Push Downs

Example Back and Biceps Routine

Single Set 4x8-12

- Wide Cable Rows


Single Set 4x8-12

- Close Cable Pull Downs


Superset 4x8-12

- One Arm Cable Rows

- Cable Pull Over


Single Set 3x8-12

- Alt DB Curls


Single Set 3x8-12

- Rope Hammer Curls

That should keep you busy and give you some fun training to look forward too ;)

How many sets and reps a week should i hit for back total?

When it comes to the amount of sets for back here is what i recommend

- If your back is lagging or you're trying to bring it up, then i recommend 30-40 Working sets a week of back exercises. That sounds like a lot i know but the back can handle a LOT of volume and takes a lot of volume to grow.


- If your back is already pretty built up. Then i recommend a solid 20-25 sets of back a week.


- When it comes to sets and reps for back. The back is a muscle that likes variety and responds very well to lots of variety. Mix it up. Have some real heavy sets of 3-5 reps and do plenty of reps in the 8-15 rep range. Also sometimes back even responds well to 20 rep sets. Mix it up for the best results. 4-6 sets per exercise works very well for back.

Extended Set Techniques For Back

Extended set techniques consist of overload principles like drop sets, rest pauses ect. But what works best with back?

Personally for back i like these extended set techniques for days when i want to train to failure;

- Drop Sets - Drop sets work perfect for back exercises because you can take it to failure and easily drop the weight to pump out some more reps at a lighter weight, Its not unknown to see me doing 2-3 drop sets on my back hypertrophy days.

- Rest Pauses - on the last set of an exercises rest after you hit failure then wait 20 seconds and try and get 2-3 more reps. This works great on cables or machines!

- Supersets - For back I either superset a vertical pushing movement or a horizontal pushing movement. But a good just back superset is cable rope pull downs and cable rope pull overs. I don't like super setting rows and pull downs. During just a back routine then i will do each of those as single sets to allow for more effort during my sets.


One note on all of these -  Don't do these all the time! Failure is a tool just don't abuse it. One more tip as well - don't use failure back training the day before a leg day as it can really affect your performance for your leg session.

Warm Up For The Back

For back the movement itself is usually a good enough warm up. If your having trouble with activating your lats then start the routine with some pull ups and cable pull overs before you start your regular session. I like to keep a sweatshirt on until i feel i have broken a sweat and feel like I'm warm and ready to begin.

One thing I almost forgot to mention!

For those newer to training when training back use a thumbless grip for pull downs and rows! Using a thumbless grip can allow you to directly use your lats to move the weight and not your biceps. If you have big arms and lack back size look at how you grip the bar on back days! I bet you are wrapping your thumb. Try the thumbless grip for back and actually engage your back and not your biceps! Also always pull with your elbows and not your arms!

Equipment I Recommend

When it comes to working Back here is what i recommend that might help.

- Versa Grips - Not to be used all the time so you can still strengthen your grip but i occasionally use these when my grip is acting up.

See my full article on everything i keep in my gym bag here.

- Chalk - Make sure and check with your gym to make sure they allow the use of chalk but chalk can also help with grip.

Lets Recap

Building a big back takes a lot of work but is actually really simple to do or at least program that is. Keep back simple and stay with the 4 staple exercises a Row, Pull Down, Pull Over and a shrug. Also try to include a single arm movement as well just for balance and you will be on your way to a huge, thick back!



If you guys enjoyed this weeks blog let me know and feel free to share on your social media as i greatly would appreciate it. Till next week guys.


Stay Strong,

Shawn Fausey

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  • Shawn Fausey is the Founder and CEO of Fausey's Fitness. With Over 14 years experience in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Nutrition. Shawn offers services of online fitness coaching, programing and consulting. 
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